Half of healthcare is care
Our virtual-first, integrated care programs help people make lasting health changes that truly change their lives. That's why organizations choose our data-driven care solutions to drive lower costs and better outcomes.

Our Mission
We inspire and nurture lifelong health, one day at a time.
Our Story
Since 2011, Omada has been an industry leader in virtual care, building care programs that people don’t just try, but stick with. We've gained worldwide recognition for evidence-based solutions that help people manage chronic conditions and live healthier lives.
Our Values
These six values give us the courage to do the right thing for our members, partners, and each other, every day.
Seek Context
We ask to understand, and we build connections. We do our research up front to move faster down the road.
Act Boldly
We innovate daily to solve problems, improve processes, and find new opportunities for our members and customers.
Deliver Results
We reward impact above output. We set a high bar, we're not afraid to fail, and we take pride in our work.
Succeed Together
We prioritize Omada's progress over team or self. We have fun as we get stuff done, and we celebrate together.
Remember Why We're Here
We push through the challenges of changing healthcare because we know the destination is worth it.
Cultivate Trust
We actively cultivate trust through attentive listening and supporting one another. We respectfully provide and are open to receiving candid feedback.
We created this company to inspire and engage people in lifelong health one step at a time.
Omada History
Our journey from big healthcare idea to big healthcare success story has been an exciting one. Here are some of the exciting milestones we've achieved along the way.

Omada Health is founded
Omada sets out to reinvent how virtual care can help anyone manage chronic disease

First ever CDC recognition of Digital DPP
Omada becomes the largest digital diabetes prevention program (DPP) provider to gain full CDC recognition

Launch of Prevention for Underserved Populations
Omada offers flagship Prevent program for Medicaid-enrolled, Medicaid-eligible, and uninsured individuals

Began American Medical Association (AMA) collaboration
Omada and AMA launch initiative to help health providers integrate proven behavior change interventions for at-risk patients.

Fast Company’s Most Innovative Health Company
Recognized for trailblazing virtual, Omada is named the #8 most innovative health company in the world
Launched largest trial for DPP
Published in Preventing Chronic Disease, the trial tracked 227 individuals who averaged more than 4% weight loss in a year.
Key Milestone
Omada hits 1,000 customers and 50 million weigh-ins.
MSK Measurable Success
MSK claims analysis reveals 27% overall medical spend reduction for Omada customers.
Impactful Diabetes Outcomes
Omada's research shows diabetes program provides effective whole-person care and significant A1 reduction.

18th Peer-reviewed Medical Publication
Omada continues to build on its legacy as a leading, data-driven virtual-first health organization.
Key Milestone
Omada hits 1,500 customers and 100 million weigh-ins.

NCQA accreditation
Omada becomes the first virtual diabetes health program to meet the industry’s best standards for population health management.

Omada Earns URAC Accreditation for Musculoskeletal (MSK) Care
Omada Health becomes the first fully-digital company with an Musculoskeletal (MSK) program that meets the industry’s top clinical standards with URAC accreditation for telehealth.

Omada Earns Great Place to Work Certification
We’re proud to announce that Omada Health has been certified as a Great Place to Work.
This certification is based entirely on what our employees say about their experience working here, and displays our increased innovation and employee retention.

American Physical Therapy Association Digital Transparency Pledge
Omada Health has signed the American Physical Therapy AssociationDigital Transparency pledge, illustrating our commitment to the fact that digital "physicaltherapy" services are only performed or directed by licensed physical therapists in accordancewith all regulations and APTA’s Standards of Practice for Physical Therapy.
Healthy is for your
whole workforce
See better employee engagement and long-term health outcomes with Omada.